02 December 2005

Pakistan Day 7

Leave for Abbotabad on an express bus at 4am.

Super breakfast spread of Puris, Prathas, Naans, and the srcrumptious chick-pea dhal.

Take a car to Balakot. Visited a large medical camp run jointly by Diocese of Peshawar, Hospital Christian Fellowship Pakistan, Norwegian, and Military. Huge number of tents, a tent hospital under construction. Preparing for the winter crisis. Medical coordinator Dr David wonders if they are doing the right thing, setting up a hospital rather than going out to the unreached villages who will soon be engulfed by the winter blizzards. Temperatures are already subzero at night here.

Joan gets really close to the children there who wouldn’t let her leave.

Large number of relief camps on the road alongside Kunhar river by various organizations.

Visited APMA (Alliance of Pakistan Minority) camps who provides shelter and education to children.

Reached ground zero, Balakot. Destruction is staggering. Can only wonder what people were feeling in the buildings when everything came down. Hundreds of men working against time to break down old structures and rebuild.

Rush Joan from Balakot to Islamabad, slam jam into a traffic gridlock there. Checks in by the skin of her teeth, without her luggage (still in Rawalpindi hotel room).

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