25 September 2005

The Tent Enlarges

I've revived my photo blog, something I used to do way back in 1999 for the original TENT (which had 9 different secttions!!)

Anyway just to get it going, I did some simple snapping at home today, allowing things to just leap out at me and 'arrest me' so to speak.

The first was just a branch of dead leaves blown in by the wind. I felt a bit like that - drained on the weekend, just wanting to get a little life back in my vine.

The second shot was of a boquet of flowers given to me by my wife on my birthday (that was months ago.) It's drying up nicely now but the colors were still very much intact. I've given it a color spot on black and white tones. Just to say that the kind of beauty infused into a gift like that, never fades...

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